Rainy Routes

With Rainy Routes you are prepared for your journey! By combining real-time weather data with route data, you get an overview of how the weather situation changes during your trip.

Ideal for:

Everyone likes to contribute to a better world. Sustainable travel is an effective way to drastically reduce your carbon footprint. When you choose to go to work by bike, this is not only good for the climate, you also work on your resistance and save a lot of money. There is only one drawback: that unpredictable weather! Rainy Routes maps the weather situation during your bike ride and allows you to leave the car at home more often.

No more getting wet on the way
Warns of rain, snow or hail
Support for pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.
Checks the weather situation at several points of your route.

Our app is regularly provided with updates and new features. Do you have tips, ideas or other feedback for our app? Then contact us via email or social media!